This foundation rocking white paper by Robert Sawnhey considers what may happen to the health, wellness and fitness industries in a post pandemic era.
Given the current pace of change and the high levels of disruption to ‘fitness’ it’s hard to imagine many of Mr Sawnhey’s thoughts not becoming a reality (in one form or another). Similar disruption has, and is occurring in other industries, so why not ours?
For us the three stand out elements are:
- The operating system opportunities – when we make data gathering part of the user experience we can see almost infinite uses for where technology, when used correctly, becomes an enabler, reducing many of the traditional user barriers our industry faces
- Business modelling opportunities – we all already understand the revenue generation power of up-sale and cross-sale opportunities however, creating total solutions under one subscription transforms everything our sector and similar sectors have to offer
- Partnerships and joint venture opportunities – if we are to shift our industry to become more holistic and wellness based then truly combining with medical services and looking at illness prevention could quickly become a reality
We would highly recommend that you grab a cuppa and dive into this thought provoking document right now – and do let us know your thoughts, we’d love to hear them…
You can read the white paper by Robert Sawhney here and visit his website here