We’re going to start with a few questions; please help yourself by honestly answering them, even it’s only in your head…
Please take a moment and ask yourself who the most important person in your life is? Who is it that makes you the happiest? Who gives you the most attention?
Did you automatically think of a close friend, your partner, maybe your child or pet? We bet you did…
If you answered ‘yes my partner’ or ‘yes my best friend’ or ‘yes my son or daughter’ then you are truly lucky to have such an important person in your life. That is fantastic, and that person is going to be vital in your behavior change success. They are going to be instrumental as you ‘ll be able to rely upon and trust them.
The thing is, there’s someone else who is more important, someone else who matters more. Perhaps you’ve not been thinking about them for a while, because you’ve been putting others first. In fact, you may have forgotten about them completely. So, let’s reconsider… Who the most important person in your life is?
Let’s think about this from the perspective of the person who you originally stated was the most important person in your life. What do you mean to them? What do they expect from you? What do they want from you?
If you are truly important to them (and no doubt you are) then they will want you to be happy and healthy, right? Do they expect you to be there for them and to listen to them when they need you? Do they want you to be the person you can be for them?
If this sounds correct, then surely your health and happiness are truly important to them? Now, please consider this; what if your health and happiness were to deteriorate with a progressive debilitating disease over the next decade? How would that person feel? More importantly, how would you feel?
But you’re not a selfish person, you care deeply about those closest to you….
Let’s be clear… There is a huge rift the size of the Grand Canyon between being selfish and looking out for yourself. For example, no-one thinks any less of you for cleaning your teeth two to three times a day or showering and drying yourself regularly. Both these examples are of you helping you! You, caring for yourself, however, does use up valuable time where you could be doing something for someone else.
So, we appreciate that those closest to you are the most important considerations in your life, only, they actually come second to your own health and happiness. In the next blog we’ll explore why this true and how you will not be effective in your behavior change goals until you do…