Reasoning NOT Reproducing is vital for success
According to Ian Jefferys from UKSCA [issue 49] Knowledge is NOT power, in the past, when knowledge and learning was for the wealthy and few within society, it may well have been the case, but not now. Nowadays there is too much knowledge and information, what is crucial is the ability to apply the knowledge to a specific context.
According to Geoff Petty a leading expert on teaching methods in the UK, meaning is not enough; we must know the conditions [the context] where ideas are relevant and useful, in order to make learning functional [based on the outcome]. We must learn ways to use information to solve problems, and make judgements. This will hopefully ensure that the outcome, whatever that maybe, is successful.
The 2020 ACSM trends are now available for the industry. Understanding industry trends is important, but it’s not the whole picture. What is vital is that a deeper understanding is obtained that helps facilities and instructors provide safe, effective, enjoyable workouts, in a trusted and valued environment. One that creates positive experiences and drives exercisers back to the facility. This supports adherence, which in turn effects retention in a positive way.
Reasoning is the ability to think about something in a logical and sensible way. Reasoning is the ability to ask meaningful questions of others and ourselves. It is the ability to take the inputs [in this case the 2020 ACSM trends] and explore through questioning and investigation, how a 2020 trend might support the development of the facility experience.
Some reasoning questions that could be used to explore HOW the ACSM Trends 2020 fits into a facility offering: [in no particular order and not an inclusive list]
- Who is our audience?
- Could we [the facility] attract a new audience, if we follow a trend?
- Would we upset our current audience, if we [the facility] follow a trend?
- What are our values? [our WHY]
- What is our mission? [our Just Cause]
- Does this trend support our values and mission?
- How could this trend support our values and mission?
- How would following a trend support/reinforce our facility story?
- How could we utilise this trend to reinforce our story?
- How would this trend add value to our exercise offering?
- How do we build competence and confidence with our audience and this trend?
- How do we build competence and confidence with our staff and this trend?
- Does our staff require education and training to support the delivery of this trend?
- Do we need to change our process to adopt this trend?
- Do we need support from external partners to support the success of this trend?
- What equipment do we currently have available to us that could be used to support this trend?
- What equipment do we need to purchase, to support this trend?
- What are we looking for in an equipment supplier?
- How would we [the facility] implement a trend?
- Do we [the facility] require support with the implementation of the trend?
- How will we measure success of this trend?
Reasoning is the key to successful implementation of a trend, to put the information provided [ASCM 2020 trends] into a specific context, context is everything, without context words and actions have no meaning [1].
In an industry of so many choices, context is KING
[1]-g. bateson