Everyone has different learning styles. Some may favour auditory learning or listening to new concepts, ideas or information. Others may lean toward visual learning – where we read or watch the materials to take them on board, some have a preference for kinaesthetic learning where we engage with the content and ‘do’ a physical something that helps to retain and recall the information.
There seems to be little dispute that we all learn using these methods, however, people usually default to their preferred style or styles that is most conducive to our learning.
Our learning styles could in fact be considered as skills. Skills which can be improved, depending on what, when and how they are used. Developing weaker learning styles, can hugely impact self development and not focussing on the ‘how’ creates greater opportunities for acquiring new skills.
Regardless of how we learn, we must ensure that we allocate sufficient time to the process and understand that;
Educate = transfer knowledge and embed information
Train = implant behaviours and skills
Develop = to advance or grow from one point to another
For achieving the best results, simply plan, schedule and even calendarize learning and development, so that it becomes a habitual process.
15 minutes a day is more impactful than 60 minutes per week.
Other than being able to pack more in, if you do miss a day it is far easier to find 30 minutes over the following days, than a 60 minutes block the following week.
We find personal development easiest first thing in the morning, before checking the phone, looking at messages or emails and before reviewing the news or social media. Learning at the start of the day allows us to manage our time more effectively and accomplish something before we even get going!
Create a routine. Learn to learn. Be habitual.
We’d love to hear how and when you make time for self development, or if you have any tips or life hacks on learning you’d like to share 🙂